Well, fall and half of winter have passed by without a single blog post. I am starting to think (what am I saying, I KNOW) I have consistency and commitment issues when it comes to hobbies that take a steady pace. I hear admitting you have a problem is the first step. So step one…check! Step two, WRITE!
Many areas of our life have progressed over the past few months. We have left our farming internship in Fort Jones, California and are back in Alabama. What was only supposed to be a visit for the holidays has turned into a permanent transition. Much to both of our families surprise we are having our first baby in June! So we have decided to settle in Huntsville, Al. I never thought I would be back so soon and yet here we are!
What have we been doing back in Alabama?
- We have started spending time at a one of a kind school in Huntsville, Lincoln Academy. They have a garden area that they would like to see incorporated into the students weekly schedule. Taylor and I have been given the opportunity to help cultivate and dream with them on what this may look like.
- I have been traveling to Auburn for yoga teacher training at Yogafly!
- Reading and going to bed early :)
- Meeting with our midwife and going to birthing classes in order to figure out how a new life comes into this world!
- Looking for land. Taylor has been antsy, as you can imagine any farmer without a field would be. In the past week we have settled on a specific farm. Many many details are still falling into place, however we are at peace.
- dreaming, dreaming, dreaming. It seems like everyday God gives us a little more clarity on what feeding people physically and spiritually is going to look like for our family. I'm learning it takes being graced by the Lord to continue dreaming, when what you currently have looks nothing like what you envision. Lord, grace us to continue dreaming through the process...