The Farm Lately

Part of my job description (given to me by my husband) is Vice President of Marketing as well as Creator and Upkeeper of the Blog. Considering I have not posted since last January I should have been fired a long time ago. Thankfully my boss needs me around here :). This time around I had a little help getting inspired. Our friend Rusty came out to the farm and took some shots that are too beautiful not to share!

See what I mean! Rusty is a new found friend of ours, and a joy to be around! He lives about 10 miles deeper into the Paint Rock Valley than we do. Rusty has an act for capturing people in the raw. He is a photogropher, filmmaker, and storyteller here in North Alabama and is traveling the south chasing stories that need to be told. Find his work here and here.

As you can see the farm is very much alive and well! Full of beautifully tender greens of every kind as well as beets, carrots, cabbage, and brussel sprouts. We love the fun things the cooler weather allows us to grow. Fall is our favorite!

If you know a farmer send them some love. They work hard to keep your belly full :) .

Basket Time.

Sometimes I get so busy moving THROUGH my day that I unintentionally miss out on the beauty IN it. As I was cleaning up and doing laundry I took a minute to actually pause and watch Virginia lie in her basket.

She embodies contentment. So fresh into the world and so free!

It seems like kids just know who they are and live life to the fullest in their own little way.

I used to lie in that basket. Somewhere along the way I got out. With it being a new year, no time is better than now to find my basket and climb back in.

May 2015 be a year of simplicity and contentment. Let us find pleasure in the small things, joy in our relationships, and courage to trust those around us.

Happy New Year!

Vegetable Quiche

    Is watching summer fade to fall one of your favorite things? Good, its one of ours too. For Taylor fall means Auburn football and a break from the summer heat. For me fall means pretty colors, scarfs, hot coffee drinks, and long overalls. But sometimes we force fall in and kick summer out too fast. Farmers markets and backyard gardens are still full of summer vegetables. So what do you do with this final harvest? Try making a quiche! 

I am going to be honest, I hardly ever follow a recipe. I tend to tweak based on the mood I am in and what we have on hand. The kitchen is an outlet for me as well as my creative space. So use this as a rough guide to making your own Quiche


  • 3 Cups of Almond Flour (or whatever flour you prefer to bake with)
  • 1/2 tsp Baking Soda
  • 1/2 cup of Ghee (butter, coconut oil, or olive oil would work just fine)
  • 1/4 cup water

Melt the Ghee then mix all ingredients together until dough is formed. *You may need to add a little more oil or water if the mixture is falling apart.

Line the bottom of your pie pan with parchment paper. Take dough and form to the pan. 

Place crust in oven at 350 degrees for 10 minutes or until brown. When finished allow to cool completely.


  • 4-6 sprigs of your favorite herbs taken off the stalks ( we like a mix of rosemary,sage,thyme)
  • 1/2 cup Romano cheese thinly sliced
  • 1 cup of kale taken off stocks ( you could also use spinach)
  • 2 medium zucchini/squash *shaved
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1/2 cup sweet onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1/4 cup of half and half
  • 6 roma tomatoes cut in half
  • Feta for topping

*shaved- take a peeler and peel the zucchini all the way to the core. This way you have thin strips instead of large chunks. (It makes the quiche. I would not skip this step!)

Place herbs in a skillet with a little olive oil. Let them cook until they are almost crispy. Place herbs on the crust covering as much of the bottom as you can. Next, place Romano on top of the herbs followed by the kale or spinach.

Caramelize the onions and at the last minute add the garlic.

While onions are caramelizing mix together eggs, egg whites and half & half.  Add the onions, garlic, and zucchini. Pour the mixture over the crust.

Top with Roma tomatoes and feta cheese.

Bake at 350 for 30 minutes or until the middle is no longer runny. ENJOY! 

Discovering Yoga.

    This past January in my fourth month of pregnancy I started yoga teacher training at Yogafly studio in Auburn, AL. It was an incredible experience. Since completing my training, I have received many questions, so I thought I would share a few of my discoveries with you. I hope you enjoy!

     You want me to define her? Well, she is not simple. She is a way of life. She is a teacher of breath, movement, love and the art of letting go. She finds the edge and is bold enough to go there but does not exceed the body's limits. She creates an environment for God to remove veils from our eyes in order to see what is truly within us. She is content with what has been given to the body, soul and spirit each day. She accepts outward circumstances that cannot be changed and invites them with peace. She is mindful. She is strong yet sweet. She does not look to the past nor the future, but dwells in the present. She is never distracted, always moving with a purpose. She is intentional and authentic in every aspect of life. Every person has his or her own way of relating to her. She cannot be concretely defined or figured out. Who is this beautiful woman? She is yoga.

    I have not always known yoga as the woman described here. When I first began practicing, yoga was simply a way for me to move my body, enjoying exercise and stretching in the same "work out." I never understood why people felt the need to call themselves "yogis" if it was just another class option on the gym schedule. Over the past few months I have realized that yoga is not just an exercise class, yoga is a way of life and those who truly practice are dedicated to much more than a work out. 

    It seems like there are so many misunderstandings of what yoga is, so having the opportunity to study the history of yoga was eye opening for me. Many people believe yoga is religious, and I have struggled with how to take this myself. Some people especially here in the south believe that to practice or teach yoga you must be a hippy or a Hindu. Reading through The Heart of Yoga by Desikachar shed some light on this for me. He says " Just because yoga originated in India, does not mean that we must become a Hindu in order to practice it. On the contrary, it is not even expected of a Hindu that he or she practice yoga. Yoga does not require a particular belief system and, if we already have one, it is not challenged by yoga. Everyone can begin, and the point at which we start is very personal and individual,  depending on where we are at the time." The way a person defines and practices yoga is very personal! I have taken parts of my yoga practice as a way of practicing the presence of God, learning deeper aspects of life and calling on the name of Jesus. While in other parts of yoga my focus is on the breath and the body.


    " I am thinking about going to a yoga class for the first time but am worried I will be uncomfortable with the "vibe."

    Well you may be. I have been a few times for sure. So much of your experience really does depend on your teacher. If you are uncomfortable try asking yourself " why am I uncomfortable?" Is it just because of a different experience or are you truly uneasy? Then if needed talk with the teacher about it after class. Maybe you just need to smile to yourself and hey try something new! But if you get REALLY weird " vibes " try another class or studio. Everyones expression of yoga is different.

    "I am too inflexible to do yoga." 

    You have to start somewhere! I used to not be able to touch my toes. seriously. You start just  how you are then through practice and consistency you will see growth.

"How did you decide where to do your training?  and how did you decide what type of yoga you wanted to teach?" 

   I fell in love with yoga after taking classes from Peach Dumas as a college student in Auburn. So that is who I wanted to train under. She teaches vinyasa yoga which links breath with movement. Her classes are deep and intentional. This is the kind of teacher I want to be. So you find what expression of yoga you love and someone who is well seasoned in it to learn from! 

 Photography by my sweet friend Claire Sullivan


Photography by my sweet friend Claire Sullivan

Breaking Ground

We have officially broken ground on the farm! Taylor is preparing about 2 acres of land from which our first harvest will come. My friend Debbie, Moose, and I drove out to capture this beautiful beginning on camera. Here are some of her shots.

This field has been planted in bermuda grass for years and once bermuda is established it is very difficult to get rid of. Taylor has planted buckwheat as a cover crop in hopes to kill the grass. For the record, (because I would not have known if this wasn't pounded into my brain in college) a cover crop is basically a way of naturally getting nutrients into depleted soil. By incorporating specific grasses or other herbaceous plants into the soil you increase organic matter and manage weeds, pests, and diseases all at the same time! 

Just as setting a foundation for a building is absolutely necessary so is the condition of the soil necessary to produce life! So, even though this cover crop's purpose is not to provide food, it is monumental in getting the habitat ready for what is to come. So as we are beginning this process we would love for you to join us in prayer:

  • For the buckwheat to continue to grow and the grass to be shaded out and die.
  • That the soil would be filled with nutrients and ready to support what will be planted next.
  • For strength and energy in Taylor as he works to prepare this land for our family and many others.