Part of my job description (given to me by my husband) is Vice President of Marketing as well as Creator and Upkeeper of the Blog. Considering I have not posted since last January I should have been fired a long time ago. Thankfully my boss needs me around here :). This time around I had a little help getting inspired. Our friend Rusty came out to the farm and took some shots that are too beautiful not to share!
See what I mean! Rusty is a new found friend of ours, and a joy to be around! He lives about 10 miles deeper into the Paint Rock Valley than we do. Rusty has an act for capturing people in the raw. He is a photogropher, filmmaker, and storyteller here in North Alabama and is traveling the south chasing stories that need to be told. Find his work here and here.
As you can see the farm is very much alive and well! Full of beautifully tender greens of every kind as well as beets, carrots, cabbage, and brussel sprouts. We love the fun things the cooler weather allows us to grow. Fall is our favorite!
If you know a farmer send them some love. They work hard to keep your belly full :) .